Saturday, September 10, 2016

International Team WSD 2016

Bienvenidos Leslie!!!!
The first of our International Team arrives.
Leslie, from Canada, first joined us in 2012 for Havana's first mass TNR.
It was so good to have her back with us.
Leslie did say she was hungry so we took her out for a burger.
Next to arrive was Dr. Michael Belovich (Canada)
Dr.B is Spanky Project's Veterinary Medical Director.
Oh, and Leslie was still hungry.
A fix of Churros on the street did the trick.
Arriving with Dr.B was his partner Nelson (Mexico/Canada)

Audrey from the USA and her dear friend Katia from Guantanamo, Cuba ..
and a "photobomber".

Taru from Finland!

 Meet the team from Animal Balance.
Animal Balance were our invited guest collaborators.
Meredith, Amanda, Raymond, Emma

 Dr.Raymond Deonanan (Trinidad & Tobago) and Dr.Amanda Bruce (USA)
Animal Balance's -Director of Field Operations
Meredith Hippert (USA)
Emma Clifford (UK), Founder and Executive Director of Animal Balance.

Rounding out the Animal Balance Team is Dairne Ryan (USA). 
She is the Latin American Program Director.
Her and Emma look like a couple of cats that just ate canaries.
Obviously plotting and scheming in the corner. ;)
A special thank you to Emma.
Several years ago Emma extended a helping paw to us as she does here with Yindra.
At my invitation she and her teams have joined us, in Havana, on three occasions.
Their RSVP for this trip came down to the wire.
Animal Balance committed to our World Spay Day in Cuba about 
eight weeks before the event.
A close call for us to get their visas processed in time.

I have deeply valued her advice and friendship over the years.

Thank you Animal Balance for your contribution towards the cost of our supplies for 
World Spay Day 2016

Emma has decided that Animal Balance will forge their own 
agreements and chart their own course in Havana.
We wish the best for Cubans ...  their animals ...  and Animal Balance

...we believe that also extends to animals.

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